How to make money on iPhone apps

The following is the email chain with Apple and RevenueCat about acceptable forms of app monetization. Watch the vid and use this for reference. My take away Build app which is useful with initially downloaded functionality. Make them pay for download or make it free...

Creating a private API on AWS

Often, we need to create a private API on AWS that is only callable from within the AWS network. We do not want to put our internal servers on the public Internet. But if we don’t put the EC2 instance which implements the API on the public Internet, the API will...

Couchbase vs Mongo

Both Couchbase and MongoDB are document store NOSQL databases, providing some measure of ACID properties and a query language. As NOSQL databases, they primarily target applications that store JSON data. Nosql technology supports a very flexible...

Backing up cloud applications

Backups and cloud computing Regardless of the cloud data provider you use, you will need a cloud data backup solution that will automatically do backups for your cloud environment to protect your apps against data loss. You will want to choose a backup...